$119.00 USD

Tracing Tether (USDT) from Pig Butchering / Completing a Cryptocurrency Transaction Tracing Log


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This is the registration/purchase page for my specialized online/on-demand training course, Tracing Tether (USDT) from Pig Butchering / Completing a Cryptocurrency Transaction Tracing Log (CTTL).

My name is Larry Nielsen. I have over 17 years experience working in law enforcement in South Florida and over 7 years of experience as a Financial Crimes Detective. I have practical experience tracing and locating stolen/scammed cryptocurrency for victims of theft/scams. I use both paid advanced blockchain analytics tools and free open-source (manual) options to do so. 

The Ethereum (ETH) cryptocurrency is second in market cap only to Bitcoin (BTC) and ERC20 Tokens (built on top of the Ethereum blockchain), like Tether (USDT), are some of the most widely used and most preferred by criminals.

In this course, you will learn and actually practice a valuable cryptocurrency transaction tracing skill and learn/practice an efficient way to document that tracing using a new custom made tool.

Pig Butchering is a world wide scourge. This is a vicious financial crime that drains bank accounts, life savings, and even causes victims to get second mortgages on their homes or empty out their retirement accounts or children’s college savings accounts to further the scam. Generational wealth vanishes because of these scams leaving victims with nothing or, worse yet, mountains of debt and emotional damage.

A Pig Butchering Scam can take place over a period of months or in extreme cases a year or more.

Did you know? When it comes to the transfer of the scammed cryptocurrency from the victim to the suspect, the scammed crypto still moves across the blockchain the same way no matter what type of scam is happening? That includes Pig Butchering and you will see that in this course.

The thing with a long-con like Pig Butchering is that over that period of months or more than a year there are many transfers. As far as tracing transactions goes, you need to take them one at a time.

Another key component is that you need to document the tracing in an efficient way that will keep it easy to read, organized, and manageable. That’s where my custom made Cryptocurrency Transaction Tracing Log (CTTL) comes in. This is a custom spreadsheet that I created in Microsoft Excell. You will download and use it in this course. This spreadsheet is also compatible with Google Sheets.

This course content is also included in my flagship course, Blockchain Basics + Cryptocurrency/Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Transaction Tracing for Investigators here: https://www.cryptotracingcourse.com

The course you are about to register for is shorter and focused on the specialized topic of tracing Tether USDT from Pig Butchering and using an efficient custom tracing documentation method. I found that a lot of people were interested in this specific topic so I created this break-out course to address it specifically. After taking this course, you will be offered an Alumni discount on my flagship course should you wish to take that as well.

In this course, you will be tracing scammed Tether from one of many transfers from victim to scammer across the Ethereum blockchain ultimately going to a Centralized Cryptocurrency Exchange (CEX). Next, you will document that tracing in both written format and using my custom made CTTL.

This course shows you that you don’t always need access to paid advanced blockchain analytics to trace crypto transaction even from a crime as seemingly complex as Pig Butchering. Yes, you will be using a powerful free open-source blockchain explorer for this course. The Practical Application Exercises have detailed written walkthroughs with screenshots plus video walk throughs so you will understand what you are doing and why you are doing it.

After the tracing exercise, there is an accompanying lesson where you will learn how to document the tracing that you just completed. This is in addition to the Practical Application Exercise where you will document using the CTTL.

You will also complete a BONUS lesson teaching you how to use a powerful free tool inside of the open-source blockchain explorer that you will already be using to trace in this course.

The course also covers some of the basics of cryptocurrency and blockchain plus important relevant vocabulary.

SPOILER ALERT: This course is not all inclusive. You will learn a new and very valuable skill here. However, once you begin your cryptocurrency transaction tracing journey you will encounter things not covered in this course. That's how the cryptocurrency space is. Beware of anyone who sells a course with the promise of it being "the only course you need" because that just isn't true.

Once you get this specialized foundational knowledge and experience, however, it will make understanding other tracing situations that you encounter much easier.

Once you register and pay for this course you will have full access for 30 days. You will complete the course quicker than that but I want you to be able to go back over it more than once if you would like to get more practice.

After completion, your certificate of completion will be auto generated using the name that you registered with so make sure it's the name that you want on the certificate. The certificate will then be emailed to the email address that you registered with. The certificate will note credit for 8-hours of training.

Most importantly, once you gain these skills and get this experience, no one can take it away from you.

You can keep building from there.

Are you ready to get started?

Register now and get full access.

You got this!

(Price is introductory and subject to change.)

What People Are Saying:

Hi Larry. Finished the course. I found the content really good and it has already helped me understand something I was struggling with on eth scan, In a real life scenario! Hats off to you for creating the course!

LinkedIn User / Course Attendee