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My name is Larry Nielsen. I have over 17 years of experience in law enforcement and over 7 years of experience as a Financial Crimes Detective in South Florida USA. I am also a cryptocurrency investor and and NFT creator and collector. I am a Certified Fraud Examiner and I am Chainalysis Reactor Certified. I enjoy tracing cryptocurrency and non-fungible token transactions across the blockchain! I have taught the basics of cryptocurrency/blockchain, related criminal investigations, and manual cryptocurrency transaction tracing in-person at local police departments across Florida USA since 2022.

With the rise in popularity of blockchain, cryptocurrency, and NFTs also comes the increase in related crimes and the urgent need to know how to investigate them. The objective of my online/on-demand courses are to provide you with solid foundation and practical, usable investigative techniques that you can benefit from daily.

I launched the in-person version of my flagship course, Blockchain Basics + Cryptocurrency & Non-Fungible Token Transaction Tracing for Investigators aka the Crypto Course for Cops in early 2022, and have now transitioned it to an online/on-demand format to be able to reach more investigators. I have added so much more value to this online/on-demand version and it is now open for registration!

I have also created shorter, focused, breakout courses based on that content that cover specific manual cryptocurrency transaction tracing topics that commonly come up as the related crimes are reported to law enforcement.

I have a passion for this. My goal is to add value. My courses provide any investigator with fundamental skills and a solid foundation to begin cryptocurrency related financial crime investigations and move them forward with confidence.

Being able to manually trace cryptocurrency transactions is an essential and fundamental skill that every investigatorĀ must have.Ā 

Position yourself in front and empower yourself to do more.


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Law Enforcement Detective

"Going from no crypto experience to having a basic knowledge. I appreciate all the new given knowledge and hope to take further crypto classes. I have been seeing a rise in cases and I will see more in the future. I now have a better understanding how to further investigate. Thank you."

Law Enforcement Detective

"Thoroughly enjoyed the class. Left me with a working knowledge of crypto currency and provided some skills needed to start investigations. Thank you so much for providing this training."

Law Enforcement Detective

"Even though I have zero previous experience on the topic, I feel more confident on the knowledge I learned. Excellent class and breaking it down so I could understand."

Law Enforcement Detective

Ā "Very thorough tracing course. Would love to see prosecutors attend. Can't wait for the next course."

Law Enforcement Detective

"Have taken several crypto classes, and I love this one the most. The hands-on approach is very helpful to my learning style. I like how you broke it down and made it more easily understandable."